Slackware Rules!

After trying several distros from the past and latest being Ubuntu, I still come home to Slackware. First I consider this as a developer's distro. The only people I respect as kick-ass, power-developers(especially in Java) are those who have been using Slackware as their primary operating environment. Suprisingly, a Slackware Skill can really go a long way. First is versatility, although not really unique in Slackware but a Slackware user can easily adapt to any other Unix/Linux/BSD flavors around.

From previous experiences, my Slackware Skill has got me around AIX, Solaris, HP-UX with zero or minimal adjustments. Frustratingly, some local profiles I see around here mostly just have Windows/Java, Windows/Java, Windows/Java...WTF'ing skill sets! Yeah, I understand what users want and what users are asking. I also foresee the troubles they will be facing about the things they are asking today. I know the "ease-of-use" issues, we've been there. In the enterprise, only muggles should have Windows. Developers should be able to switch from one operating environment to another with little trouble.

Second is reliability. My PC, after just 72 hours of continous operation has to be rebooted due to lags, CPU hogs and sudden unknown memory spikes probably due to SpyWares, problems that never existed on my Slackware box even on a continious operation, currently in Singapore my longest uptime for Slackware is 28 days.

Last but not the least is simplicity. Slacware is so simple, on a decent hardware it can boot completely in less than 10 secs. with all the GUIs and necessary services loaded. Most command-line tasks are much shorter than its point-and-click counterpart.


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