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The Beef Dashboard Template

 I haven't been writing actively about code and tech in a while and I'm crawling back. As much as I want to completely abandon Java and what it has become, I'm still surprised on the number of organizations investing in Java for their microservices development. Since I have moved on a lot over the years learning a lot from the Javascript universe both from the front and server side, I pushed further and built some pretty cool stuff with it, one of those is the Beef Dashboard Template The motivation: to learn more about Vue and Bulma and reach an expert skill level in relation to frontend development. The problem: Through experience, every time we start a new project, user interface is always (and highly likely) to start from scratch. To me, it's obviously a waste of time and resources My solution is to build a template that we can fork or clone from, modify a little or more to fit our requirements. That's my concept of &q

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