Clustering with ActiveMQ

I have discussed previously the additional info for ActiveMQ. If you're really serious about using JMS, buy an expensive one(e.g. Fiorano, SonicMQ, iBus etc.) or you can settle for ActiveMQ. The fun part with ActiveMQ is you "drop it in" to any application servers like JBoss. But please do not run ActiveMQ with JBoss, it only helps tarnish ActiveMQ's reputation with that of JBoss, not a good move.

While reading thru the examples of ActiveMQ's clustering features. It definitely looks simple, what pisses me off is its obsession with Maven, it seems they have a very low regard for intelligent beings. As an additional task I will be building my own clustering examples using java's main(). Yes, the main executable. Geez, I really don't know what's the point of Mavenizing an executable.

Stay tuned.


Anonymous said…
what's wrong with maven? And why don't you like ActiveMQ?

You should try it now.
Jared@Darkstar said…
Hey I like ActiveMQ, Actually it's my preferred Open Source MQ. I just don't like the samples being always associated with Maven. Maven sucks. Things should really be very simple.

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