BEA and Eclipse

Honestly, I hate commercial software vendors. These hatred grew not here in Singapore. For obvious reasons that back in the Philippines they are expensive and you can't make real money out of it. So the mindset has become like this: Find an open source counterpart that is equally robust and stable, develop on it, be proficient with it and consult with it. So when it comes to Java development, the weapon of choice is Eclipse, whether the project is web, stand-alone or real-time. Every project was delivered using Eclipse, it has become an indispensable tool at no cost to the developers. Another reason is the dreaded "vendor lock-in". Commercial software vendors deprive users and developers choice of tools which is dangerously costly.

Alright, Alright, I'll cut to the chase. I hate BEA Weblogic Workshop, that damn thing is a piece of limited, proprietary shit. And I am not keen on giving up my powerful Light Sabre(which is Eclipse by the way) for a rusty dagger like BEA Weblogic Workshop.

Fortunately, about a year ago and I missed this news for the reason that I am not your savvy Webby guy (I'll shoot anyone who will call me a Web Developer). BEA backs the Beehive is an evolution of the BEA Weblogic Workshop product. So meaning the old thing is a freaking history so why bother use it?

BEA has created a project for Eclipse called Pollinate to integrate Eclipse with Beehive. Open Source rules again! I think Pollinate is worth evangelizing in Singapore.


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