The Hell with JES

WTF! Forgive me, 'coz I have been surrounded by stupid products these days so my rants will do no good to the proprietary sector. What happened to the good old programming and software development days?!? How come some shitty product rolls out one after another? Did the great code writers moved to another career already? I know America has been retiring their good old coders and is outsourcing some stupid ones. So I think I am starting to feel the consequence. Maybe it's not the development thing, maybe its how the products are packaged and marketed. Like this thing called JES(WTF!) aka Java Enterprise System. Basically JES consists of an application server, clustering products, Message Queue, etc. etc. Fat chance is, you'll be able to use them all. There will be, probably, one or two useful products in there and the rest are just money-wasting pile of rubbish. Another thing is the really confusing pricing scheme and a product datashit.


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